HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
The HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option provides modular multi-protocol SAN designs with increased scalability,
stability and ROI on storage infrastructure.
Over 70% of servers within a data center are not connected to Fibre Channel SANs for any of the following reasons:
Do not require FC Performance
Cost of the Connectivity to SAN is too high
Distances are too great
In the typical organization, each distributed server has its own directly attached storage and backup devices. Because these devices
are isolated from other servers, excess capacity cannot be redeployed.
This EVA option extends the FC SAN investment with integrated multi-protocol support, allowing customers to incorporate iSCSI
servers without requiring additional storage arrays or management costs. Fibre Channel SANs based on EVA technology are now
able to leverage IP networks to create larger SAN sizes across longer distances. This enables increased consolidation. Instead of
potentially underutilized, direct-attached, server-dedicated storage, a multi-protocol SAN provides access to storage that is allocated
as and when it is needed.
The EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option enables organizations to integrate low-cost Ethernet-connected servers into an EVA by bridging
the iSCSI protocol to the Fibre Channel protocol. This capability allows iSCSI servers to leverage shared SAN resources, improving
asset utilization and enabling new applications. This integration greatly reduces the cost of connecting servers to centrally managed
storage and helps provide a cost-effective solution to introduce utility computing into the enterprise.
An EVA with multi-protocol support also provides network storage at reduced infrastructure costs. Small and medium businesses now
have a lower entry point to take advantage of SAN benefits. Large enterprises may also deploy multi-protocol SANs in departments
and remote offices.
Key Benefits:
Delivering SAN like benefits over the Ethernet IP network, the HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option is an integrated
hardware unit that enables access to block storage on a EVA FC SAN across an Ethernet network
Provides customers a flexible and cost effective way to connect stranded servers to existing Fibre Channel storage increasing
return on investment.
DAS to SAN via IP
Extend access to and the virtues of FC SANs across Ethernet networks including:
Consolidated storage
Improved disk utilization
Improved IT efficiency
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HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
HP StorageWorks iSCSI HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Connectivity Option
Order this part for all new installations for
EVA4000/4100/4400/6000/6100/6400/8000/8100/8400, EVA3000/5000.
Includes One unit, shelf, brackets, copper FC cables and documentation.
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Upgrade Option
Includes one unit to mount in existing shelf and documentation
For multi-path (dual unit high availability) order both part numbers. (The second
hardware unit installs into the shelf that ships with AE324A.)
HP StorageWorks EVA
HP StorageWorks EVA 4400 iSCSI Connectivity Option
4400 iSCSI Connectivity Order this part for all new installations for EVA 4400 only. Includes one unit, shelf,
Option (mpx100b)
brackets, copper FC cables and documentation. Supports 16 iSCSI initiators.
HP StorageWorks EVA 4400 iSCSI Connectivity Upgrade Option
Includes one unit to mount in existing shelf and documentation. For use with EVA
4400 only.
HP StorageWorks EVA4400 iSCSI Connectivity 32 Initiator Upgrade License (LTU)
For use with EVA 4400 only.
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Product Highlights
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Configuration Support
The iSCSI Connectivity Option is fully compatible with the HP B-Series, C-Series, and M-Series of FC
switches. For complete interoperability information please check:
Two hardware units may be implemented for high availability and redundant data paths.
Command View EVA
mpx Manager
Initial support: Refer to the guidelines described in the HP StorageWorks SAN Design Reference Guide
Software Components, Standard
Command View
HP StorageWorks Command View EVA provides the capability to manage the EVA and is installed on an
existing Storage Management Appliance, a management server or a NAS server. This powerful tool
provides an easy mechanism to manage EVA storage systems in a SAN configuration. Command View
EVA is purchased separately from XCS media kit.
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HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Service and Support, HP Care Pack and Warranty Information
(1-1-1) Hardware Warranty - One-year on-site warranty, 8x5, next business day response, installation
not included.
NOTE: The hardware warranty covers firmware and embedded non-saleable software.
HP Service & Warranty
HP Service & Warranty Support Additional Warranty protection and/or HP Installation packages can be
NOTE: Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. Consult the Customer Support Center for details. HP
provides a one-year, hardware limited warranty, fully supported by a worldwide network of resellers and
service providers.
In addition, available service offerings include a full range of HP Care Pack packaged hardware and
software services:
Extended coverage hours and enhanced response times
System management and performance services
For more information on warranty and support options, please visit our Web site at:
Software Product Services
Stand-alone telephone support
Rights to a new license
Media and documentation updates
Hardware Product
Installation services
On-site Maintenance (includes warranty support)
Response time upgrades during the warranty period
Post-warranty coverage
HP Care Pack Services
Warranty Upgrade
Service offerings include a full range of Customer HP Care Pack services for both hardware and software
Response - Upgrade on-site response from next business day to same day 4-hours
Coverage - Extend hours of coverage from 5 days x 9 hours to 7 days x 24 hours
Duration - Select duration of coverage for a period of 1, 3, or 5 years
Additional Warranty protection and/or HP Installation packages can be purchased.
NOTE: Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. Consult the HP Customer Support Center for details.
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HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Service and Support, HP Care Pack and Warranty Information
HP Care Pack Information HP Care Pack is defined as an upgrade to the product warranty attribute, available for a specific
duration and hours of coverage.
HP Care Pack is not available for less than the product's warranty duration.
HP Care Pack is available for sale anytime during the warranty period for most products, but the
commencement date will be the same as the Warranty Start Date (delivery date to end user customer).
Proof of purchase may be required.
HP Care Pack services are prepaid.
For additional HP Care Pack (hardware & software) information, as well as orderable part numbers,
please refer to the URL:
Additional Services
Implementation service, SAN Architecture service. For more information on service options, please visit
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Configuration Information
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Step 1 - Base Configuration and Power Pack
Select one:
Model Description
Part Number
StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Includes 1 unit, shelf, brackets, 2 copper FC cables (for direct connect to EVA) and
Connectivity Option
NOTE: Fabric iSCSI-Fibre Channel attachment mode requires optical transceivers and
cables listed below.
StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Includes 1 unit to mount in existing shelf and documentation
Connectivity Upgrade
NOTE: For multi-path (dual unit) support order both part numbers.
NOTE: For a highly redundant direct connect environment, recommend customer
purchase 2 additional FC copper cables listed below (see the HP StorageWorks EVA
iSCSI connectivity user guide).
StorageWorks EVA 4400 Includes 1 unit, shelf, brackets, copper FC cables (for direct connect to EVA) and
iSCSI Connectivity Option documentation. For use with EVA 4400 only.
NOTE: Fabric iSCSI-Fibre Channel attachment mode requires optical transceivers and
cables listed below.
StorageWorks EVA 4400 Includes 1 unit to mount in existing shelf and documentation. For use with EVA 4400
iSCSI Connectivity
Upgrade (mpx100b)
NOTE: For multi-path (dual unit) support order both part numbers.
NOTE: For a highly redundant direct connect environment, recommend customer
purchase 2 additional FC copper cables listed below (see the HP StorageWorks EVA
iSCSI connectivity user guide).
StorageWorks EVA 4400 Includes 1 license upgrade to enable connectivity for an additional 32 iSCSI initiators.
iSCSI Connectivity Option If a second license is installed, it provides an upgrade to the maximum supported
32 Initiator Upgrade LTU number of iSCSI initiators. Refer to the guidelines described in the EVA iSCSI
(for mpx100b only)
Connectivity User Guide available on the Storage Networking product page and the
HP StorageWorks SAN Design Reference Guide available at:
Step 2 - Additional Options
Optical Transceivers
Short Wave - 300m
EVA Loopback Connector The loopback connector is used when an EVA host port is not cabled to a switch,
mpx100/100b (for iSCSI direct connect), or HBA (for FC direct connect).
NOTE: All EVA host ports must be filled with either a cable or loopback connector.
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Configuration Information
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
2 Gb optical cables
(Required for Fabric
LC-LC for between two 2 Gb devices
2 m LC-LC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
5 m LC-LC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
15 m LC-LC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
30 m LC-LC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
50 m LC-LC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
LC-SC for between a 1 Gb and a 2 Gb device
2 m LC-SC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
5 m LC-SC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
15 m LC-SC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
30 m LC-SC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
50 m LC-SC Multi-Mode Fibre Channel Cable
2m Copper FC Cable
FC Copper cables
(Recommended for a
highly redundant direct
connect environment (see
the HP StorageWorks EVA
iSCSI connectivity user
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Technical Specifications
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Arrays supported
EVA 4000, 4100, 4400, 6000, 6100, 6400, 8000, 8100, 8400 EVA 3000,
Array Connectivity Mode EVA 4x00, 6x00, 8x00
EVA 3000 and 5000
Direct connect and fabric attach
Fabric attach
Maximum Number of EVA 2 EVA iSCSI Connectivity Options supported per EVA
iSCSI Connectivity Options
Maximum Number of EVA 1 EVA per mpx100 or mpx100b
storage systems per mpx
Management Software
Configure FC LUNs and iSCSI initiators through EVA Command View v9.1,
v9.0, v8.1, v8.0.2, v8.0.1, v8.0, v7.0, v6.02
OS Support
Apple Mac OS X (via iSCSI Initiator from ATTO Technology)
HP OpenVMS (EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option (mpx100) only)
Microsoft Windows
Linux Red Hat
Linux SUSE
Sun Solaris
For operating system version support, see the HP StorageWorks SAN Design
Host Platform Support
Cluster Support
Fibre Channel Interface
FC Transceiver
FC Connectivity
Any server running supported OS
Dual Port, 2Gb
4Gb SFP, supported @ 2Gb speed
Fabric attach
Optical connected as an N-Port
connected as an NL-Port
Direct connect
IP Interface
Dual port, 1GbE (IPv6, IPv4)
iSCSI Initiator Support
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator (32-bit and 64-bit versions)
Linux iSCSI Initiator (32-bit and 64 it versions)
ATTO Macintosh iSCSI Initiator
HP OpenVMS iSCSI Initiator
Sun Solaris iSCSI Initiator
VMware iSCSI Initiator
Product supporting EVA 4400 is limited to 16 initiators with base unit.
License upgrades are available in two steps, a 32 initiator license,
followed by an unlimited license up to the HP supported maximum.
iSCSI Network Card
Apple, Sun supported 1GbE NICs
NIC Teaming is supported for extra redundancy
NOTE: Standard 10/100 NIC cards are not supported
HP NC510x, NC3xx TOE supported
Alacritech TOE Card supported
TCP/IP Offload Engine
Support (TOE)
Qlogic QLA4052c, 4062c iSCSI HBA
IP Security
NOTE: Support is operating system dependent
CHAP User name and password authentication. Password encryption
of saved configuration file
iSCSI Boot
Linux, Windows, VMware
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Technical Specifications
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Multi-Path support
Microsoft MPIO
Device Mapper
Native software MPxIO
Max. Pending Commands Default value of 64.
Host Interface
Uses standard TCP/IP connection, RJ45 connector
GbE Copper, CAT-5e or CAT-6, twisted pair
Host Platform Support
Any 32-bit or 64-bit servers running the supported OS
half duplex
>30,000 > 200 MB / Sec
> 360 MB / Sec
full duplex
Maximum Host
Architectural Limits
Connection Design Limits 256 connections per iSCSI port
for iSCSI*
mpx100b is limited to 16 iSCSI initiator ports in base unit. License upgrades
are available in two steps, a 32 initiator license followed by an unlimited
license up to the HP supported maximum.2 FC target ports, with maximum
* Please see the product user guide available on the Storage Networking
product page and the SAN Design Guide for latest tested and supported
User installable, but recommended field service install
Optional side-by-side 1U rack mount kit
Non-cable-side to cable-side airflow; power from cable-side; 1U, 19-in. EIA rack-compliant
Cooling: Two fans with back-to-front airflow
5° to 40° C
Non Operation
-25°C to 70° C
(-40° to 158° F)
5 to 93%, non-condensing
15 km
(41° to 104° F)
5 to 90%, non-condensing
3 km
IEC 68-2, 4g, 11ms, 20 repetitions IEC 68-3, 30g, 292 ips, 3 repetitions,
3 axis
IEC 68-2, 5-500Hz, random, 0.21G IEC 68-2, 5-500Hz, random, 2.09G
rms, 10 minutes
rms, 10 minutes
Power AC input Nominal
Frequency Range
Nominal Frequency
Power AC input Nominal: 0.5A@100-125 VAC 0.25A@200-240 VAC
47 to 63 Hz
50 Hz to 60 Hz
Power Dissipation
48W maximum (optics included)
Environmental specification for operating condition should be satisfied before the iSCSI Connectivity
Option subsystem is powered on. Maximum temperature of 40°C should be strictly satisfied at air inlet
Non-operating condition includes both packing and unpacking conditions unless otherwise specified.
No condensation in and around the iSCSI Connectivity Option should be observed under any
The above specifications of vibration are applied to all three axes.
On shipping/storage condition, the product should be packed with factory packing.
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Technical Specifications
HP StorageWorks EVA iSCSI Connectivity Option
Physical Size
1U (1.7 in/4.32 cm)
8.5 in (21.59 cm)
12 in (30.48 cm)
10 lb (4.54 kg)
© Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and
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errors or omissions contained herein.
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